Friday, July 20, 2012

Hugs Perhaps?

      My mom is pissing me the fuck off. She won't leave me alone. She keeps harassing me, and yes, I mean that literally. She keeps bitching at me and I want to her to just disappear. Thank God she's gone...

     Luis came today... I'm not happy about it at all. He was begging for water, and I honestly felt bad, so I let him in for water. Biggest mistake EVER! He started up his emo pity party shit. Like creepy as fuck staring at me and telling me I'm not allowed to have anyone one else, he loves me, he wants to stay here with me, how bad my friends are, crying about how cruel I was to him, how he is just so innocent, that he's the victim, everyone is lying but him, etc etc. He kept getting WAY too close and trying to put his hands on me, I was like nooooooo dude. He kept speaking like a mad man, and I just felt horrible around him. I kept asking him to leave but he wouldn't. Then his mom came trying to get him to come home with her, she had been looking for him. He refused and went on to piss me off by denying everything he did to me, bitching and whining, and trying to relentlessly touch me. I lost it, crunched my can of Sprite, threw it and the chair I was sitting in. He kept going at it, followed me into the bathroom, I was screaming get away from me and telling him to get out of the house. I had a full blown panic attack, and fought to get my pills from him so I could calm down. He told me to kill him, then grabbed a bottle of seroquel, threatening to kill himself. I ripped the bottle out of his hands. He would not stop his bs! I told him to tell some other naive idiot his bullshit because it wouldn't work on me anymore. I screamed at him,"Or better, tell my kids that were miscarried your bullshit, like how you couldn't keep your dick out of me!". I lost it completely arguing with him, slapped him across the face, crying, then broke the sink by accident. I fell down when he left the room, and from then on I don't remember much but bits and pieces. I remember gagging and choking, falling again, shaking a lot, hearing voices talk to me, and being grabbed and put on the couch with the covers over my face. Then I laid there for a while idk how long. Then sat up and cried then Rodger came to help me.

     I'm pretty upset right now and lonely. I really am hoping to see Him soon... I miss him quite a bit.

            I lovid yous,

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