I feel like a mistake. I'm getting my depression pills changed from Celexa to Prozac. The reason why is that I'm having OCD symptoms and Prozac is supposed to help with that. The Doctor said it might be a tough switch, so my mom will have to watch me.(They're afraid I might become suicidal, little do they know) My room smells like nickles because my fingers and toes are bleeding. I grabbed a razor and carved off the tips and the cuticles. I bled all over my ugly pink pillow.
I'm hearing voices, saying,"Soft and furless". I cut off all my nails so I can't scratch myself anymore. It feels awful. I hate this feeling. I was going to smoke today after school, but that was canceled. I was going to have a romantic afternoon with my boyfriend. Instead he got a blowjob and a quickie so he could cum, on my face... twice... FML
I hate my fucking life. I hate it! I fucking loathe it into the depths of the earth! I have no one. I am nothing. I am but a useless piece of trash.